Community development is an approach in 5 principles that make up the meaning of community. Starting with empowerment, human rights, inclusion, social justice, self-determination and collective action. In a happy, vibrant community there are strong social connections that create a sense of belonging. Along with that sense comes the sense of responsibility to support your fellow members. To be part of a real, healthy community; you need to care about what it is that you have in common. Not only do you need to care about the community but to also care about and respect each other. Loyalty is a virtue to one another and building healthy relationships. Our surrounding has a strong influence on our behavior as much as it is influenced by the culture in which we live. Teens model their behavior after that
they observe in others their physical appearance as well as personality. Our community shapes the way we work and play. It affects our values, choices and what we consider right and wrong. Poor communities, are more likely to suffer from the negative consequences of lack of resources. With this effect it is felt both physically and emotionally within the community and the results are destructive personal choices, sickness and increased crime. With that said, communities with shared interests, values, attitudes can either encourage us to live better, strive for more, a sense of belonging, acceptance, understanding and inspiration. Or they can completely encourage us to live in the total opposite aspect. How can you be a better person in community? see yourself for who you are, forgive and let go of anger, accept responsibility, admit when you are wrong and apologize, have respect for others as well as yourself, set goals for yourself, live with integrity, recognize opportunities to grow and change, be a good listener, be polite. Most importantly, be kind.