Left, right, left, right, left, right, etc.
We are taught that there are two main sides of the body that helps direct ourselves. Left and right or Right and left. Some of us are dominant starting with the use of our right hand and some of us are more dominant starting with the left hand. In coordiation with the use of our feet as well, which foot do you step first with ? Bilateral coordination refers to the ability of two opposing sides of the body. The ability to coordinate opposing sides which typically develops in early childhood.
Through yoga, bilateral coordination can improve by symmetrical movemnts, alternating movements that create body awareness. Also known as "mind body connection" that is commonly used these days. Many daily self-care and play activities requires bilateral coordination.
When our body registers movements and gravity, our vestibular system allows use to respond with appropriate movement, balance and posture. The vestibular system and our body's ability to process information and integrate it into movements, enables bilateral coordination as well as body awareness of the upper and lower body.
In yoga, you are instructed to connect with your right and left, hands and feet. Then to move in accordance of whichever direction you are to take. Hand-eye coordination is largely practiced through yoga such as tracking moving objects, aiming at targets or performing precise hand movements. Which helps improve our ability to maintain focus.
Many people may feel they are not flexible enough or balanced enough to take on the practice of yoga without ever knowing the freedom that can be accessed. As if the bendy, coordination fairy skipped them at birth. Not everyone is born with good coordination. Coordination is a learned, practiced skill that begins with active effort. Meaning, anyone, at any age, can improve their coordination. The body systems responsible for balance can be affected by gradual changes due to aging or side effects of medications.
Incorporating regular physical activities into your daily routine can help improve and maintain balance and coordination. Walking, biking and swimming strengthens muscles in the lower body.
Stretching loosens tight muscles which can affect posture and balance. Yoga strengthens and stretches tight muscles whiles challenging your static and dynamic balance skills.
Playing a game of Twister is also a great way to challenge balance and coordination.
Happy 4th of July to all!
Stay Safe and Happy.
Semper Fi & Namaste