We're still here and here for you as much as we can offer.
With our simple program we appreciate your attendance because it wouldn't be a class without you.
Sometimes life can throw unexpected curves and as much as you stick to your auto-pilot mode. Sometimes you are required to shift.
Shift your attitude, expectations, what it means to you to be your best "self".
Who is your best self in the mirror image you see?
What are your traits and what if your best self is using the tools you learn in yoga class besides the poses?
Where can you hold your posture, chin up and deep breaths in the face of adversity?
When you do find adversity what kind of pose/attitude/habits are you holding?
and why?
The notes you take as you move your mind and body. How can those notes apply to your life when you roll up your mat and continue on though the day?
Where can you apply these notes in the moments of holding a pose as well as in the moments where your patience is tested.
Yoga not only refines your reflexes, reactions and responses. It is a practice of self-therapy and a conditioning of the body.
Mind and body connection.
The concept of uniting these two elements that drive our whole being. When these two factors are synchronized, it then breaks down into three elements of one's being through awareness. Their experiences, memory and how that phsycially takes effect. When the physical tension is released that is where yoga(healing) actually begins.
Stay strong until it looks easy.
10am w/ Jenn
Take a moment of silence to say a prayer to yourself, pray to another and to take your practice with you as you go.