The concern for mental health is at an all time high these days when it comes to life after covid, social media, social standards and trends. Awareness for mental health seems to be promoted everywhere these days. However, when it comes to applying the idea of help when someone might be going through something can be easier said than done. It can be difficult to understand what they are going through or how to help them. For most people, asking if they are okay and listening can make a difference. However, it is also important to look after yourself too. Supporting someone who is experiencing mental health issues can be difficult and often draining both physically and emotionally which in turn can affect your own overall wellbeing. Caring for someone close to you can be challenging and often an isolating experience. It is normal to feel a range of emotions including love, guilt, fear and grief. Psychological projection is often observed in those with mental health disorders such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A personality disorder where the sufferer thinks of oneself first in any given interaction. Projection can occur with no underlying mental condition. It could be the result of a stressful day or current life choices. Sometimes, projection may be a sign of a personality disorder. It is also important to look after your own mental health and wellbeing to provide the support and care a friend or family member might need. Being a support person can put you at greater risk of developing a mental health condition yourself. When a situation becomes too heavy to take on it is important to remember you have a right to your own life and to nurture your own mental and physical health. Remain active in healthy habits and routines such as exercise and sleep. Not only is it important to eat, exercise and sleep well but also to keep our social circles healthy. Stay in touch with friends and family who can encourage you and support you, establishing a regular night out with people you care about, take-up a new hobby or reconnect with an activity you used to enjoy such as cooking, reading, gardening, photography or listening to music. If someone who wishes for your support seems to take more support than give in return, it is important to question yourself if you are equipped with emotional endurance. If you think someone you care about might be having problems, try talking to them about your concerns as they might also need your support while they look for tools to help themselves or professional help. At the end of the day if the person who is cared for won't seek help beyond what you can offer there is only so much you can do to help. Sometimes allowing them to take or leave your advice is a way to of helping from a distance. Allowing structural learning can be a big relief for them to know that you're there, aware, willing to listen and be there to help if needed. Including those who my find themselves struggling, it's important to care for those who are trying to care for you too.